Green News
Reunión anual de Sao Paulo con nuestros socios de China y LATAM
Este año asistimos al Logistics Intermodal en Sao Paulo, instancia en la que participan las principales líneas navieras, operadores logísticos, puertos y todas las partes de la cadena tronca....
Global maritime sector agreement
The maritime transport sector is vital for the world since it represents approximately 80% of the volume of world trade. If the world is to achieve the goals...
Chile's environmental balance
In 2016, the Chilean economy generated 111,677 kilotons of CO2 equivalent and absorbed 65,492. Therefore, it issued a total of 46,185 kt. of CO2 eq. The goal of...
Clean production agreement
During 2017, 16 San Antonio companies, grouped through COLSA, sign the APL, in which they commit, among other measures, to estimating their...
President Piñera presented a plan to make Chile carbon neutral
In Cerrillos, where the largest climate change summit in the world will be held, the Head of State announced the closure of the eight oldest energy plants...
Chile carbon neutral by 2050
Durante las cuenta pública del segundo período de gobierno del presidente Sebastián Piñera, y a través de un compromiso internacional, Chile ha declarado su intención de ser carbono neutral...
Global maritime sector agreement
The shipping industry recognizes the importance of decarbonizing to help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and has already begun to mobilize. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has...
Tarifas actualizadas semana 50 – 2021
Pueden encontrar para descarga el tarifario actualizado de green trading para la semana 50 del año 2021. (more…)